
Your journey to learn guitar, bass, ukulele or music theory/harmony starts here!
Book your lesson/course today in 1-3 easy steps
(Step 1 for face-to-face individual lessons; Steps 1-3 for group lessons; Steps 1 & 3 for online lessons).
Please ensure you hit SEND for EACH section you fill in.

Step 1: Register your Details

    What would you like to learn?

    What music genres do you like most?

    What attracts you about the guitar/bass/ukulele that makes you want to learn it?

    Do you own an instrument already, or you need advice to buy one?

    Please name 3-5 guitarists/bassists/uke players/bands you love!

    NB : If applying for music theory lessons, questions 3 to 5 are optional.

    Where have you heard about Cool Gool Music?
    NB : if recommended by a friend, please list their name, surname & contact (email/phone number) so we reward them! You too can earn £12-£30 or more for recommending friends

    Month & year you would like to start

    Would you like to learn individually OR in a group?

    Which weekdays are you available?

    Which weekday times (in GMT UK time) are you available? (Mon-Fri 10am-10pm)

    Which weekend days are you available?

    Which weekend times (in GMT UK time) are you available? (Sat & Sun 10am-6pm)

    Please list as many days & times as possible. The more availabilities you list, the sooner I can find a time that suits you.
    So if your phone/tablet does not let you choose more than 1 option, please visit this page from a computer to select more than 1 (by holding CTRL while highlighting your choices from the drop-down menu). I cannot not overemphasize how simpler it is if you supply MANY availabilities.

    Your Name & Surname (of both parent/guardian & child if applying for Parent & Child courses)

    Your Email

    Your Age

    Your Address (Door No/House Name, Street Name & Postcode)

    Telephone no.

    Please ensure you hit SEND for THIS section before moving to Step 2/3.
    If having problems sending the form, copy & paste this page & email all requested info to [email protected]

    Step 2: Choose your Group Course
    (skip if booking individual face-to-face/online lessons)

    Read Group Lesson Info
    This page includes dates, times, FAQs, T&Cs & details of what you will learn in each course (& pre-requisites if applicable). Please read thoroughly to ensure you choose the right course for you.

      I confirm to have read the group lesson info page above & agreed to the included T & Cs. DO NOT click YES before you have filled and sent Step 1 above

      Please list your name again

      Please re-enter your email address

      Please choose group Module no. you are interested in (you can register for more than 1 module, as long as they are of the same level)

      Please ensure you hit SEND for THIS section before moving to Step 3.
      If having problems sending the form, copy & paste this page & email all requested info to [email protected]


      Step 3: Finish your Booking : Payment (ONLY for group/online lessons)
      (skip if booking individual face-to-face lessons)

      Methods of payment
      – via bank (please fill in Step 1 & 2 above & you’ll receive our bank details within 24 hours; pls add [email protected] to your address book now to ensure our email won’t go to spam)
      – via paypal hereunder
      Please do not forget this step. Your booking is ONLY confirmed once payment is received.

      Guitar/Bass/Uke/Theory Lessons


      There are also discounts & cashbacks you can read about at our Fees Page.